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Auction No 354, Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST

279 Lots (displaying 21 - 40)

London Transport literature late 1940s to modern,

Lot: 21

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £40

London Transport literature late 1940s to modern, with histories, handbooks, fleet lists. Mostly softbacks and largely good to Very Fine. (39)

Bus Photographs 1980s and 1990s with many London Country and Green Line vehicles,

Lot: 22

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £32

Bus Photographs 1980s and 1990s with many London Country and Green Line vehicles, all coloured, PC size, all identified and dated on reverse, VG quality. (650)

Bus Timetables, mainly late 1960s, including Halifax, Eastbourne & Hastings (3), Carlisle (3),

Lot: 23

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40

Bus Timetables, mainly late 1960s, including Halifax, Eastbourne & Hastings (3), Carlisle (3), Burnley & Colne, & few others, eight with Maps. (13)

Photographs of mostly private owner coaches (157), plus other buses & coaches including Eastern National (36),

Lot: 24

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60
SOLD £32

Photographs of mostly private owner coaches (157), plus other buses & coaches including Eastern National (36), Timpson (25), etc. All good quality 4 x 6" close-ups, mostly modern printings from 1950s & 1960s negatives. (269)

Manchester and Salford Bus Photographs mostly 1960s & 1970s and largely coloured,

Lot: 25

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60
SOLD £44

Manchester and Salford Bus Photographs mostly 1960s & 1970s and largely coloured, plus Lancashire United (25) and SELNEC (25). Mostly 4 x 6", plus some larger. Good quality. (294)

Tram Photographs with much London & the South East plus good selection from across the UK, all PC size,

Lot: 26

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £46

Tram Photographs with much London & the South East plus good selection from across the UK, all PC size, 1930s to 1970s, including originals, many modern printings from earlier negatives, contact prints etc. Mixed quality but including many fine close-ups. (approx. 150)

Sheffield Tram Photos 1930s to modern, all PC size

Lot: 27

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40

Sheffield Tram Photos 1930s to modern, all PC size, with originals, repro, 1980s printings from earlier negatives, and 20 of the modern Supertrams. Mixed quality with many good close-ups. (104)

Leeds Tram Photographs 1930s to 1960s, mostly PC size, some snapshots;

Lot: 28

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £44

Leeds Tram Photographs 1930s to 1960s, mostly PC size, some snapshots; many with photographer's handstamp or label on reverse. Includes originals, and many 1980s printings from earlier negatives. (c.150)

Single Decker town and country buses 1940s & 1950s, mostly half-cab, a collection of photographs,

Lot: 29

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £44

Single Decker town and country buses 1940s & 1950s, mostly half-cab, a collection of photographs, all modern printings from original negatives, 4 x 6", excellent quality close-ups. (102)

Leicester City Transport Bus photographs 1960s to 1980s,

Lot: 30

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £30

Leicester City Transport Bus photographs 1960s to 1980s, mostly double-decker, both coloured and b/w, 4 x 6", with many fine close-ups. Also 70 other bus photographs including 46 single decker, 1950s and 1960s. All modern printings from original negatives. VG quality. (188)

Scottish Bus Services, a collection of photographs of 1950s to 1970s single-decker vehicles,

Lot: 31

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60
SOLD £62

Scottish Bus Services, a collection of photographs of 1950s to 1970s single-decker vehicles, including Macbrayne's (66), SMT, Alexander, Northern, Western etc. 40 are coloured. All modern 4 x 6" printings from earlier negatives. All close-ups and excellent quality.  (223)

Tram Photographs 1940s to 1960s PC size, including printings from earlier negatives, contact prints etc;

Lot: 32

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £34

Tram Photographs 1940s to 1960s PC size, including printings from earlier negatives, contact prints etc; main interest in Wirral especially Wallasey, plus Tyneside, Taunton, Wemyss & District, Brighton and others. Mixed quality. (approx. 100)

UK Tram Photos, mostly PC size, some snapshots, with originals, contact prints,and modern repro including Pamlin Prints;

Lot: 33

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £20 - £30
SOLD £22

UK Tram Photos, mostly PC size, some snapshots, with originals, contact prints,and modern repro including Pamlin Prints; country-wide with good variety of locations. (approx. 100)

Tram Photographs 1950s to 1970s, with some good originals but mostly printings from earlier negatives or contact prints.

Lot: 34

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £20 - £30
SOLD £26

Tram Photographs 1950s to 1970s, with some good originals but mostly printings from earlier negatives or contact prints. Mixed quality but including some good close-ups. UK-wide selection. (79)

Travel and transport assortment UK & European including Baedeker Guides (6) 1903-1932,

Lot: 35

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £20

Travel and transport assortment UK & European including Baedeker Guides (6) 1903-1932, plus sundry Bus Maps, modern railway and tramway Atlases, Southern Railway Track Layouts, etc. (Qty)

UK Tram Photos, country-wide, 1940s to 1960s including originals and reprints;

Lot: 36

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £34

UK Tram Photos, country-wide, 1940s to 1960s including originals and reprints; mostly PC size, a few snapshots, mixed quality. (approx. 100)

UK Tram photos, largely PC size, country-wide, 1930s to 1960s, plus printings from earlier negatives & contact prints;

Lot: 37

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £34

UK Tram photos, largely PC size, country-wide, 1930s to 1960s, plus printings from earlier negatives & contact prints; varied quality but many fine close-ups and street scenes. (approx. 100)

Newcastle Corporation Passenger Transport metal enamelled sign "TRAMS STOP HERE"

Lot: 38

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £46

Newcastle Corporation Passenger Transport metal enamelled sign TRAMS STOP HERE, late 1940s, double sided, 15 x 12", some rusting and loss of paintwork. 

Green Bus services 1960s & 1970s Tickets, an unused accumulation together with a conductor's wooden ticket rack

Lot: 39

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £50
SOLD £40

Green Bus services 1960s & 1970s Tickets, an unused accumulation together with a conductor's wooden ticket rack, in bundles and loose, a large quantity, good variety. (1000s)

Bus Timetables of Ireland 1949 to 1970s comprising Ulster Transport (15), Coras Iompair Eireann (8), and Lough Swilly (3)

Lot: 40

  • Auction Date: Wed 7th Oct 2015 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £100 - £130
SOLD £110

Bus Timetables of Ireland 1949 to 1970s comprising Ulster Transport (15), Coras Iompair Eireann (8), and Lough Swilly (3), together with related leaflets & brochures (17) and associated histories & Handbooks (11).