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Auction No 388, Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT

233 Lots (displaying 181 - 200)

German States - Saxony 1850-1867 collection on leaves with 1850 3pfg unused, small thin; 1851 3pfg (2, one poor, other 3-margined);

Lot: 181

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £130 - £160
SOLD £84

German States - Saxony 1850-1867 collection on leaves with 1850 3pfg unused, small thin; 1851 3pfg (2, one poor, other 3-margined); 1851-57 issues mainly FU to 10 grosch; and nice mint & used selection of the 1863/67 issues. Cat Value £1940+ (two damaged, not counted) (30)

German States – Schleswig Holstein 1864-66 collection on stockleaf, mainly used, few unused or mint. Two stamps with small thins

Lot: 182

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £110
SOLD £60

German States – Schleswig Holstein 1864-66 collection on stockleaf, mainly used, few unused or mint. Two stamps with small thins otherwise good to fine. Cat £1385 (21)

German States – Thurn & Taxis 1852-1866 mainly used collection fairly complete on printed leaves for North & South District;

Lot: 183

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £100
SOLD £86

German States – Thurn & Taxis 1852-1866 mainly used collection fairly complete on printed leaves for North & South District; quality of margins varies, one stamp damaged & not included in catalogue value which exceeds £2570  (57)     

German States – Wurtemburg 1851-1874 a largely used collection on printed leaves, the imperfs with variable margins, later issues VG/VF;

Lot: 184

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £450 - £550

German States – Wurtemburg 1851-1874 a largely used collection on printed leaves, the imperfs with variable margins, later issues VG/VF; includes very good examples of both the 1859 & 1861 18kr with clear dated cancels. One damaged not counted in catalogue value. Cat £8118 (SG, 2015) (45)    

German States – North German Confederation 1868-1870 largely used collection on printed leaves with VG examples of both 1868 & 1869 18kr

Lot: 185

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £220 - £250

German States – North German Confederation 1868-1870 largely used collection on printed leaves with VG examples of both 1868 & 1869 18kr (clear dated cancels), and 1869 (March) 30gr. fine used with pen cancel. Cat £4200. (36)

Germany in binder with chief interest in German States notably Prussia, Baden, Saxony. Bavaria;

Lot: 186

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £58

Germany in binder with chief interest in German States notably Prussia, Baden, Saxony. Bavaria; later issues chiefly Allied Occupation and some East Germany. Varied condition; high catalogue value. (Few 100)

Germany & States collection in album with interest in Bavaria, Third Reich M&U, and post-WW2 Allied Occupation especially French Zone.

Lot: 187

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £66

Germany & States collection in album with interest in Bavaria, Third Reich M&U, and post-WW2 Allied Occupation especially French Zone. Very mixed condition. (Several 100s)

Germany M&U ranges in album and on leaves; including collections of West Germany and West Berlin with better issues from 1949

Lot: 188

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £100 - £130
SOLD £50

Germany M&U ranges in album and on leaves; including collections of West Germany and West Berlin with better issues from 1949 notably Berlin SG B67 fine UM, Beethoven mini-sheet UM and other useful; ranges of Danzig and Saar; few booklets etc. High Catalogue value. Used predominate, with issues to 2006. Mainly good to VF (Many 100s)   

East Germany collection in binder from first issues, M&U with numerous sets & part-sets to 1990,

Lot: 189

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £26

East Germany collection in binder from first issues, M&U with numerous sets & part-sets to 1990, better items noted. Mostly used and mainly good to VF. (Several 100s

German Post Offices in the Levant collection on leaves with forerunners (2) including SG Z7 with dated pen cancel for Constantinople;

Lot: 190

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £250 - £300
SOLD £240

German Post Offices in the Levant collection on leaves with forerunners (2) including SG Z7 with dated pen cancel for Constantinople; plus good selection thereafter with all top values. Cat £5065+ (25). Good to very fine.

Greece collection in binder from Hermes heads to 1990s, largely used, including useful Crete and other island issues,

Lot: 191

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £46

Greece collection in binder from Hermes heads to 1990s, largely used, including useful Crete and other island issues, earlies in very mixed condition; together with useful all-period M&U collection of Turkey. (Several 100s)

Iceland 1873-1902 good to fine used collection on printed leaves with additional shades etc in margins; includes 1873 4sk FU and 8sk

Lot: 192

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £900 - £1200
SOLD £840

Iceland 1873-1902 good to fine used collection on printed leaves with additional shades etc in margins; includes 1873 4sk FU and 8sk (with doubtful cancel), later Numeral issues to 100aur, selection of four different 1897 “Prir” surcharges, and selection of I GILDI overprints. Cat £10,403 (SG, 2014). (56)

Iceland 1902-1989 mint or UM collection in hingeless album; fairly complete including 1902-04 set, 1911 and 1912 sets,

Lot: 193

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £650 - £750
SOLD £500

Iceland 1902-1989 mint or UM collection in hingeless album; fairly complete including 1902-04 set, 1911 and 1912 sets, 1915-18 Watermark Crosses set, 1920-22 set (5kr without gum), 1925 Landscapes, 1930 to 1934 Airmails, 1931-32 Gullfoss; near complete thereafter UM including 1935 Dynjandi & Hekla and scarcer perf changes. Includes the miniature sheets and good Officials. Mostly VG/VF. Cat £6750

Iceland 1873 to 1936 collection of good to fine used Officials with few additional shades; includes 1873 8sk and 4sk (Perf 12.5) VGU,

Lot: 194

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £250 - £300
SOLD £230

Iceland 1873 to 1936 collection of good to fine used Officials with few additional shades; includes 1873 8sk and 4sk (Perf 12.5) VGU, and later issues including1920s/30s Pjonusta overprints. Cat £2928 (SG, 2014). (43)

Iceland 1902-1940 fine used collection on printed leaves including 1902-04 and 1907-08 sets, 1911-30 Definitives including the Surcharges,

Lot: 195

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £400 - £450
SOLD £380

Iceland 1902-1940 fine used collection on printed leaves including 1902-04 and 1907-08 sets, 1911-30 Definitives including the Surcharges, 1928-29 Airs and 1930 Millenary Airmail set, 1931 Zeppelin Overprint set, 1931-37 Christian X Die II set, and 1939-40 World’s fair sets. VG/VF and Cat £5405 (SG 2014).     

Iceland 1930 Millenary Officials set fine used. Cat £1900. Scarce

Lot: 196

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £350 - £400
SOLD £380

Iceland 1930 Millenary Officials set fine used. Cat £1900. Scarce

Iceland 1930 Millenary set fine used. 50aur with small thin, the 5kr with slight staining. Cat £850. (16)

Lot: 197

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £100

Iceland 1930 Millenary set fine used. 50aur with small thin, the 5kr with slight staining. Cat £850. (16)  

Ireland collection from 1922 in binder, M&U and UM; with 1922 Overprints to 1s, St.Patrick to 10s, and many post-1960 issues.

Lot: 198

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £20

Ireland collection from 1922 in binder, M&U and UM; with 1922 Overprints to 1s, St.Patrick to 10s, and many post-1960 issues. Varied condition. (100s)

Israel UM ranges on 9 stockleaves, many with tabs, some in pairs or blocks, 100s of stamps; together with used ranges in a binder.

Lot: 199

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

Israel UM ranges on 9 stockleaves, many with tabs, some in pairs or blocks, 100s of stamps; together with used ranges in a binder. Fair to fine. (Some 100s)       

Italy & Colonies largely used collection in binder with interest in Aegean Islands, East Africa, Libya to 10lire; Italy with some States,

Lot: 200

  • Auction Date: Wed 13th Nov 2019 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100
SOLD £195

Italy & Colonies largely used collection in binder with interest in Aegean Islands, East Africa, Libya to 10lire; Italy with some States, 1862 5c used and other better earlies, good post-WW2 pictorials and many later to 2009; plus useful Trieste and Vatican, mostly mint. Varied condition. (100s)