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Auction No 416, Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT

173 Lots (displaying 121 - 140)

World collection in two albums & stockbook, including a well-filled Liberty album with much mid-period foreign & some C/W,

Lot: 121

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £56

World collection in two albums & stockbook, including a well-filled Liberty album with much mid-period foreign & some C/W, the stockbook with some GB mint decimal. Mixed condition. (1000s)

Philatelic Accessories including two battery-operated UV lamps; a Safe Stamp-Drying Press (mains operated) and a Cathedral Counterfeit Detector

Lot: 122

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

Philatelic Accessories including two battery-operated UV lamps; a Safe Stamp-Drying Press (mains operated) and a Cathedral Counterfeit Detector (mains operated ). Also bundle of FDCs. (Qty)

Ranges in binder, stockbooks (2) and stockleaves, including a collection of UM GB traffic-light gutter pairs, and much FU 1950s/60s French Colonies

Lot: 123

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60

Ranges in binder, stockbooks (2) and stockleaves, including a collection of UM GB traffic-light gutter pairs, and much FU 1950s/60s French Colonies with duplication. (100s)    

All-period world ranges in 11 large stockbooks; main interest in GB from QV to QE2 mint decimal, plus some GV/GVI period C/Wealth used.

Lot: 124

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £100 - £120
SOLD £96

All-period world ranges in 11 large stockbooks; main interest in GB from QV to QE2 mint decimal, plus some GV/GVI period C/Wealth used. Some stockbooks sparsely filled. Mixed condition. (1000s)

Ranges in binders, albums etc; including 1990s/2000 GB Ill. FDCs (abt. 160); a collection of mid-period British C/Wealth; GB mint decimal on leaves;

Lot: 125

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £34

Ranges in binders, albums etc; including 1990s/2000 GB Ill. FDCs (abt. 160); a collection of mid-period British C/Wealth; GB mint decimal on leaves; earlier foreign ranges in large album etc. (1000s)

Ranges in six binders & a stockbook, mostly New Zealand including VF collection of Illustrated FDCs 1989-2016 (438 in all), plus some related UM,

Lot: 126

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100
SOLD £155

Ranges in six binders & a stockbook, mostly New Zealand including VF collection of Illustrated FDCs 1989-2016 (438 in all), plus some related UM, other C/W & GB FDCs, used ranges in stockbook, etc. Mostly VG/VF (Large qty)

Album of Railway and other transport theme covers & cards; mostly modern but including 1903-14 PPCs (4) with VF German Bahnpost TPO cancels;

Lot: 127

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60

Album of Railway and other transport theme covers & cards; mostly modern but including 1903-14 PPCs (4) with VF German Bahnpost TPO cancels; the remainder all illustrated types, mostly GB, Isle of Man, Belgium and Germany. Fine throughout. (64 items)

Assortment in carton including 19th Century issues in ancient Schaubek album; Singapore year books for 1990, 1995, 1998 and 2002;

Lot: 128

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80
SOLD £115

Assortment in carton including 19th Century issues in ancient Schaubek album; Singapore year books for 1990, 1995, 1998 and 2002; a collection of Malta FDCs in 2 albums; and all-period foreign ranges in large s/book. Includes USA 1893 Columbus mint set to 30c on album leaf, the 3c and 30c stuck down. (Some 100s)     

Diana Princess of Wales UM collection of Foreign & C/Wealth miniature sheets and sheetlets in large s/book, plus few FDCs. VF. (137 MS + covers)

Lot: 129

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £34

Diana Princess of Wales UM collection of Foreign & C/Wealth miniature sheets and sheetlets in large s/book, plus few FDCs. VF. (137 MS + covers)

World ranges on stockcards, M&U, with much GVI period C/Wealth but including some EVII/GV issues of Dominica with LM Mint values to 2s6d. (100s)

Lot: 130

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £44

World ranges on stockcards, M&U, with much GVI period C/Wealth but including some EVII/GV issues of Dominica with LM Mint values to 2s6d. (100s)

Foreign M&U ranges in stockbook with interest in pre-1950 issues of Germany, Monaco, USA, Japan and various others. Poor to fine (few 100)

Lot: 131

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £26

Foreign M&U ranges in stockbook with interest in pre-1950 issues of Germany, Monaco, USA, Japan and various others. Poor to fine (few 100)

European ranges in four albums and two stockbooks; with main interest in Germany including largely UM collection of West Germany from 1950s,

Lot: 132

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £90
SOLD £80

European ranges in four albums and two stockbooks; with main interest in Germany including largely UM collection of West Germany from 1950s, plus Romania from late-19th Century M&U, and mainly used Netherlands, Belgium and some Russia. Fair to VF (1000s)

Ranges in seven stockbooks with interest in UM QE2 C/W and GB, and mostly used 20th Century foreign notably France, Spain, China, and Czechoslovakia.

Lot: 133

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £90 - £110
SOLD £150

Ranges in seven stockbooks with interest in UM QE2 C/W and GB, and mostly used 20th Century foreign notably France, Spain, China, and Czechoslovakia. Fair to VF (Several 1000s)

Shoebox of old club books with main interest in early-mid-period Latin America plus Italy, Persia and Greece. Used predominate. (100s)

Lot: 134

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £20

Shoebox of old club books with main interest in early-mid-period Latin America plus Italy, Persia and Greece. Used predominate. (100s)

QV to 1970s British C/Wealth M&U jumbled ranges on many stockleaves with useful Seychelles and others; together with a New Age album

Lot: 135

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £38

QV to 1970s British C/Wealth M&U jumbled ranges on many stockleaves with useful Seychelles and others; together with a New Age album containing scattered GVI issues including Canada 1946 Peace set to $1 LM Mint. (Some 100s)

British Commonwealth mint or UM ranges in two binders, largely QE2 but with some useful earlier; includes Falklands Dependencies to £3 (two sets

Lot: 136

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £70

British Commonwealth mint or UM ranges in two binders, largely QE2 but with some useful earlier; includes Falklands Dependencies to £3 (two sets). Some mixed condition. (approx.. 1,700)

All-period European ranges in stockbook with better items noted; includes Andorra SG 256/57 UM, Luxembourg SG 609/611 and 626/628 UM,

Lot: 137

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £100

All-period European ranges in stockbook with better items noted; includes Andorra SG 256/57 UM, Luxembourg SG 609/611 and 626/628 UM, useful Austria, Portugal including 1940 Rowland Hill set LM Mint, better Italy, France and others. Some 19th Century stamps in mixed condition. (600+).

All-period Foreign ranges in two stockbooks with interest in early Japan, Mexico, Venezuela, Salvador, Mozambique, Tripolitania and others.

Lot: 138

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80

All-period Foreign ranges in two stockbooks with interest in early Japan, Mexico, Venezuela, Salvador, Mozambique, Tripolitania and others. Varied condition. (1000+)

King George VI album with various issues from a wide range of territories, some better high values noted, mainly mint.

Lot: 139

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £100
SOLD £110

King George VI album with various issues from a wide range of territories, some better high values noted, mainly mint. Album in good condition, some light pencil markings, a few mint stamps partially adhering, some others have been removed. STC £2000

British Empire QV/GV M&U collection in album with many better items from a wide range of territories; interest in Australia & States, India,

Lot: 140

  • Auction Date: Wed 22nd Mar 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £200 - £250
SOLD £260

British Empire QV/GV M&U collection in album with many better items from a wide range of territories; interest in Australia & States, India, Newfoundland, and various others. Chief interest in mint (with some UM); includes fiscally used and some revenue stamps. High catalogue value. Mixed condition. (c.1000)