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Auction No 418, Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST

188 Lots (displaying 161 - 180)

France 1860s to 1960s M&U and UM collection neatly arranged in stockbook, including few early covers and better 1950s UM. Generally good to VF. (100s)

Lot: 161

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80

France 1860s to 1960s M&U and UM collection neatly arranged in stockbook, including few early covers and better 1950s UM. Generally good to VF. (100s)

France mid-1950s to 2000 extensive UM accumulation in large stockbook, the later issues including miniature sheets. Light duplication. VF lot.

Lot: 162

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £120 - £150
SOLD £115

France mid-1950s to 2000 extensive UM accumulation in large stockbook, the later issues including miniature sheets. Light duplication. VF lot. High catalogue value. (Many 100s).

France collection in three large albums comprising 1973-2001 fairly complete UM including miniature sheets and some booklets, 1980-95 VFU,

Lot: 163

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £220 - £280
SOLD £220

France collection in three large albums comprising 1973-2001 fairly complete UM including miniature sheets and some booklets, 1980-95 VFU, plus some miscellaneous UM in stockleaves. VF lot, very high catalogue value. (Many 100s)    

Germany collection in four albums from 1872 to 1983 plus few States issues, M&U and UM; includes better used Third Reich and good West Berlin UM or FU

Lot: 164

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £100

Germany collection in four albums from 1872 to 1983 plus few States issues, M&U and UM; includes better used Third Reich and good West Berlin UM or FU. The mint 1930s/40s in very mixed condition. No East Germany. (Many 100s)

Germany 1880-1950 Covers & PCs including VG/VF BAHNPOST cancels (20), 1950 East Germany (3), early Bavaria (3), etc. Most are pre-WW2. (37)

Lot: 165

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £34

Germany 1880-1950 Covers & PCs including VG/VF BAHNPOST cancels (20), 1950 East Germany (3), early Bavaria (3), etc. Most are pre-WW2. (37)

Germany 1900 to modern duplicated accumulation arranged in 100s of stockcards, M&U and UM, with very good 1920s/1940s with better items.

Lot: 166

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £120 - £150
SOLD £135

Germany 1900 to modern duplicated accumulation arranged in 100s of stockcards, M&U and UM, with very good 1920s/1940s with better items. Also used mainly modern duplicates in small boxes. High catalogue value and VG condition. (1000s)

East Germany 1960-1989 fine UM collection in five Lindner hingeless albums, virtually complete including the miniature sheets.

Lot: 167

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £120 - £150
SOLD £135

East Germany 1960-1989 fine UM collection in five Lindner hingeless albums, virtually complete including the miniature sheets. Includes few black prints. (Many 100s)

Hong Kong 1946 Victory set FU, both values showing the ‘Extra Stroke' variety, the $1 with couple of short perfs. Cat £160

Lot: 168

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £20

Hong Kong 1946 Victory set FU, both values showing the ‘Extra Stroke' variety, the $1 with couple of short perfs. Cat £160

Hungary 1868-1985 collection neatly arranged in large stockbook, with all-periods well represented, mainly used and largely good/VF. (Many 100s)

Lot: 169

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80

Hungary 1868-1985 collection neatly arranged in large stockbook, with all-periods well represented, mainly used and largely good/VF. (Many 100s)

India EVII/GVI period Covers & Cards with main interest in WW2 military mail; includes three WWI from USA with Bombay censor cachets. Fair to fine.

Lot: 170

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £44

India EVII/GVI period Covers & Cards with main interest in WW2 military mail; includes three WWI from USA with Bombay censor cachets. Fair to fine. (61)      

Indian States - Chamba 1938 2Rs fine used. SG 95. Cat £600.

Lot: 171

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £100 - £130

Indian States – Chamba 1938 2Rs fine used. SG 95. Cat £600.

Israel 1949-2003 largely mint collection in sets plus mini-sheets neatly presented in four albums, mostly with tabs from 1954. Also few Palestine.

Lot: 172

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £100

Israel 1949-2003 largely mint collection in sets plus mini-sheets neatly presented in four albums, mostly with tabs from 1954. Also few Palestine. Good to Fine. (Many 100s)

Japan 1948-87 largely mint collection neatly arranged in album & on leaves and reasonably complete for the period. (100s)

Lot: 173

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £40

Japan 1948-87 largely mint collection neatly arranged in album & on leaves and reasonably complete for the period. (100s)

Newfoundland 1931 Airs set both with & without wmk, SG 193 with some tone marks, all mint, hinge remains. SG 192/197. Cat £195

Lot: 174

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

Newfoundland 1931 Airs set both with & without wmk, SG 193 with some tone marks, all mint, hinge remains. SG 192/197. Cat £195

New Zealand QV to 1980 used definitives in album and stockbook, with Chalon Heads (7) to 6d (2, one imperf with 4 margins, but thinned);

Lot: 175

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £90 - £110
SOLD £135

New Zealand QV to 1980 used definitives in album and stockbook, with Chalon Heads (7) to 6d (2, one imperf with 4 margins, but thinned); later QV (76) to 1s (5); 1898-1902 pictorials to 9d (4); EVII to 1s (2); GV to 1s (3); 1935-43 pictorials to 2s (6) and 3s (5); 1953 to 10s, and later to $2. Mixed quality. High catalogue value. (Few 100s)

New Zealand 1935 to 1980s largely UM collection of commemoratives, health stamps and few definitives in stockbook, with some light duplication.

Lot: 176

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £70
SOLD £46

New Zealand 1935 to 1980s largely UM collection of commemoratives, health stamps and few definitives in stockbook, with some light duplication. (688 + 3MS)                 

Papua New Guinea WW2 Covers from Australian Forces, some registered, with good variety of FPO cancels and military censor cachets.

Lot: 177

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £90
SOLD £125

Papua New Guinea WW2 Covers from Australian Forces, some registered, with good variety of FPO cancels and military censor cachets. Also a few from servicemen in Northern Territory, Australia. Fair/fine. (41)

Pitcairn Island 1940 original set of six values to 2s6d in UM sheets of 60, the 1½d and 1s values with margins cut down o/w fine.

Lot: 178

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £150 - £200
SOLD £195

Pitcairn Island 1940 original set of six values to 2s6d in UM sheets of 60, the 1½d and 1s values with margins cut down o/w fine. Cat £2,310

Portugal 1976-1985 UM collection in Davo hingeless album including many miniature sheets and sheetlets. STC £1597

Lot: 179

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £80

Portugal 1976-1985 UM collection in Davo hingeless album including many miniature sheets and sheetlets. STC £1597

Romania 1870s to 2013 M&U neatly arranged collection in two large stockbooks, the post-1955 issues predominantly used. Generally good to VF.

Lot: 180

  • Auction Date: Wed 14th Jun 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70

Romania 1870s to 2013 M&U neatly arranged collection in two large stockbooks, the post-1955 issues predominantly used. Generally good to VF. (Many 100s)