Lot: 130
Carton with M&U world ranges in stockbooks, in binders, etc, with interest in New Zealand from 1900s including better Officials & Life Insurance, mid-period France, Curacao, Portuguese India, and variety of others. (1000s)
Lot: 133
British C/Wealth GVI/early QE2 ranges comprising 1948 RSW high values UM for Morocco Agencies (Spanish) and British P.A's in Eastern Arabia; binder with approx.700 stamps M&U with interest in Burma & Sudan; and a remaindered George VI printed album with approx. 1900 stamps.
Lot: 134
Small s/book with GB overprints for Bahrain and Bechuanaland, with better Bahrain including SG 94 to 96a UM, and some fiscally used QV high values of Bechuanaland. (92)
Lot: 135
British Empire QV/GV M&U ranges in binder with main interest in Canada, Sudan and Trinidad, plus useful Malaya, Ireland, New South Wales, Falklands Dependencies SG Z22 FU block of six, and other items. STC over £4000 but mixed condition. (abt.800)
Lot: 137
19th Century to 1980s M&U ranges in three stockbooks with much early to mid-period; interest in Trinidad, Morocco Agencies, Nyasaland, Ireland, Hong Kong, Ceylon, and many others. Untidy lot with high catalogue value. (Many 100s)
Lot: 140
British Commonwealth M&U ranges on stockcards, mainly QV to GVI with much GV/EVII, with interest in St. Helena, St. Lucia, St. Vincent Seychelles, and Sierra Leone, and few others, with many better items. Fair to fine. STC £2814. (abt.380).
Lot: 141
British Commonwealth M&U ranges on stockcards, mostly 1890s to 1940s with interest in Somaliand, South Africa bilingual pairs, Southern Rhodesia, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos Islands & few others, with better items. STC £2416. Fair to fine. (few 100)
Lot: 142
British C/Wealth assortment on leaves, in packets etc, mostly 20th Century, with interest in GV/GVI period, few better items noted. (Qty.)
Lot: 143
World ranges in nine stockbooks & a binder, all periods, with interest in British C/Wealth especially Canada, Newfoundland and Malaya, plus Bulgaria from 19th Century, Germany and others. Includes FDCs. (1000s)
Lot: 145
All-period M&U and UM ranges in assorted stockbooks & binders; including Russia from 19th Century, GB from 1d Black (near 4-margins, into at foot); San Marino, New Zealand from EVII to 1s mint, West Berlin, and three Japan year books. Many UM sets. (1000s).
Lot: 172
Aden & States 1937-51 M&U collection on leaves including 1939-45 to 5Rs mint, & 1951 to 10s both mint and FU; Seiyun 1942 to 5Rs mint and 1951 set both mint and FU; Shihr & Mukalla 1942 to 5Rs mint, and 1951 set both mint and FU. STC £820
Lot: 173
Western Australia 1902-11 2s brown-red, 2s6d deep blue on rose, and 1905-12 5s Crown over A wmk, all fresh mint, hinge remains. SG 124c, 125 and 148. Cat £308
Lot: 174
Australia 1920-48 fine mint range on hingeless leaves, largely UM. Includes 1920 1s (SG 40b); most GV commem sets and airmails; 1940 A.I.F. set; and 1937-49 to £1 (both papers) all UM notably the various printings of the 3d including the ‘White Wattles'. VF throughout and Cat approx £1,660. (93)
Lot: 176
Bahamas 1953-73 FU collection on leaves including definitive sets (2) to $3, and many commem sets. (146 + 2 FDCs)
Lot: 177
British Occupation of Italian Colonies 1942-50 M&U ranges in notebook, many of the mint UM including sets to 10s. Includes many postage dues. Also some issues for postal agencies in Eastern Arabia. Cat over £660 (a few stamps adhering not included in catalogue value) (abt.120)
Lot: 178
British Virgin Islands 1904-35 mint collection with 1904 set to 5s; 1913 set to 5s (2); WAR TAX issues; 1922-28 to 2s6d (less 2d) and Jubilee set. Many with hinge remains, the 2s6d and 5s values very fine. Cat £400 approx. (56)
Lot: 179
Canada Covers & PCs from 19th Century with much GV period; interest in several QV items, 1920s/30s First Flights, and used postal stationery. Mainly good to VF (107)
Lot: 180
Canada – Nova Scotia 1860s mainly used selection to 12½c, the 1c unused, the 2c mint with fox marks. (6)
Lot: 181
Falkland Islands 1904-12 set mint with additional shades, including 3s (3, one with toned perfs), the 6d and 5s UM. Mainly VG/VF. Cat £750+ (17)
Lot: 182
Falkland Islands 1912-20 fine mint set to 1s with additional shades, some stamps UM. STC £380+ (18)