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Next Auction: Wed 2nd Apr 2025 12:00 BST

Auction No 422, Category: Foreign

29 Lots (displaying 1 - 20)

Scandinavia and Baltic States 1850s to 1980s mainly used collection in Minkus album with main interest in early/mid-period issues;

Lot: 185

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £120 - £150
SOLD £100

Scandinavia and Baltic States 1850s to 1980s mainly used collection in Minkus album with main interest in early/mid-period issues; includes Faroe Islands WW2 Occupation SG 2,3 and 4 FU, very good Denmark 1870s to 1940s, useful M&U Latvia in sets, Norway & Sweden with some better mid-period; other territories rather sparse. Varied condition. (Many 100s)

World ranges in battered Imperial album, 1840s to c.1920s, with interest in Great Britain, Rhodesia with Double-Heads to 6d and other better,

Lot: 186

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £150 - £180
SOLD £220

World ranges in battered Imperial album, 1840s to c.1920s, with interest in Great Britain, Rhodesia with Double-Heads to 6d and other better, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Chile, Japan and others, some countries thinly represented. Very mixed condition. Mint stamps adhering or partially adhering. Includes some useful postally used post cards. High catalogue value.  (100s)

Crash Cover, 19th Dec.,1962, Germany to Poland, salvaged from Viscount 804 which crashed on landing in Poland with 33 killed,

Lot: 195

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60
SOLD £72

Crash Cover, 19th Dec., 1962, Germany to Poland, salvaged from Viscount 804 which crashed on landing in Poland with 33 killed, explanatory label on reverse applied at Warsaw; together with other covers & cards, pre-stamp to 1990s, mostly Poland, some Germany, including 1915 Polish local posts cover, and 1945 Polish POW Camp ‘March of Death' Souvenir sheet signed by the designer. Good to fine. (34)

World Covers & Cards from pre-stamp to modern, mostly USA, British C/Wealth and GB with FDCs and aerogrammes; commercial & philatelic,

Lot: 197

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £50
SOLD £82

World Covers & Cards from pre-stamp to modern, mostly USA, British C/Wealth and GB with FDCs and aerogrammes; commercial & philatelic, including unused postal stationery. (216)

Assorted covers, 1880s to 1930s, including 1887 Germany & Austria registered, 1898 Canada PPC with pair 2c Map stamps, & many 1930s GB & C/Wealth

Lot: 198

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60

Assorted covers, 1880s to 1930s, including 1887 Germany & Austria registered, 1898 Canada PPC with pair 2c Map stamps, & many 1930s GB & C/Wealth including Paquebot marks (16), EVIII FDCs (8, including a display cover), and 1937 Coronation FDCs for Sth.Africa and SWA. Fair to fine. (41)

World ranges in two Strand albums, 19th Century to 1930s, with useful China, New Zealand and others, mainly used. Clean lot.

Lot: 200

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60
SOLD £72

World ranges in two Strand albums, 19th Century to 1930s, with useful China, New Zealand and others, mainly used. Clean lot. Some stamps loose, awaiting mounting. (Many 100s)

Carton with world stamps in printed albums, pocket stockbooks & boxes, plus collection of GB FDCs in five albums; some interest in Rhodesia,

Lot: 201

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60
SOLD £66

Carton with world stamps in printed albums, pocket stockbooks & boxes, plus collection of GB FDCs in five albums; some interest in Rhodesia, Switzerland, and various others. (1000s) 

Storage box with many old small albums, stamps in envelopes, tin box etc; some albums near empty but includes 10-page mint collection of Tuva

Lot: 203

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80
SOLD £72

Storage box with many old small albums, stamps in envelopes, tin box etc; some albums near empty but includes 10-page mint collection of Tuva from first issues (some later pictorials adhering or partially adhering); another with some GB GVI Cylinder blocks UM loosely inserted; envelopes include much mid-period on piece from variety of countries. (Many 100s)

Box of 20th Century Covers with much commercial mail, especially GB; main interest in 1930s with used postal stationery, meter mail,

Lot: 204

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100
SOLD £155

Box of 20th Century Covers with much commercial mail, especially GB; main interest in 1930s with used postal stationery, meter mail, WW2 including Polish forces (3), 1941 Uruguay to UK with DAMAGED BY SEA / WATER, and 1939 PASSED CENSOR / 1 / CYPRUS; also fine 1940 GB Centenary FDC with Red Cross h/s, and two better Third Reich sets. (over 300)

Foreign Covers & Cards from l880s with much 1930s/40s; chiefly commercial mail plus few First Flights; main interest in Latin America, plus USA,

Lot: 206

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60

Foreign Covers & Cards from l880s with much 1930s/40s; chiefly commercial mail plus few First Flights; main interest in Latin America, plus USA, Germany and Switzerland. Fair to fine. (53)

Western Europe plus Turkey & Yugoslavia UM sets 1960s/90s, many relating to NATO, European unity etc. Fine lot STC £444.80. (Few 100)

Lot: 209

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £50

Western Europe plus Turkey & Yugoslavia UM sets 1960s/90s, many relating to NATO, European unity etc. Fine lot STC £444.80. (Few 100)

Ranges in album including several French art stamps and maxi-cards, and useful mid-period foreign sets & covers,

Lot: 210

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £50

Ranges in album including several French art stamps and maxi-cards, and useful mid-period foreign sets & covers, plus 1963 GB Cable overprinted CANCELLED (2) on sheets issued with the Philatelic Bulletin. VG/VF (Qty)

France 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War, photographic miniature of "The Times" newspaper carried by Carrier Pigeon post from Bordeaux to Paris

Lot: 221

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60

France 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War, photographic miniature of The Times newspaper carried as a negatve by Carrier Pigeon post from Bordeaux to Paris during the Siege. Laid down on card, written up for display

Germany 1937 Cover from Jena University with rare Anti-Jewish letter-seal label on reverse; and 1940 ‘Feldpost’ PCs depicting Churchill & Chamberlain

Lot: 222

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80
SOLD £52

Germany 1937 Cover from Jena University with rare Anti-Jewish letter-seal label on reverse; and 1940 ‘Feldpost' PCs depicting Churchill & Chamberlain, the latter postally used from Berlin. VG. A scarce group. Also 1943 cover with lengthy personal letter enclosed from a Nazi official in Dresden. (4)  

Germany 1938 certificate issued by the German Post Office in recognition of the work of the postmaster at the Hanover office from 1924 to 1938,

Lot: 223

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £50

Germany 1938 certificate issued by the German Post Office in recognition of the work of the postmaster at the Hanover office from 1924 to 1938, signed by several officials. 41 x 29.5cm. Torn in several places, but no loss. Archival tape repairs on reverse.

Germany WW2 Official Luftwaffe metal handstamp ‘Luftwaffenkommando 3’ used on military mail, with wooden handle. A unique item.

Lot: 224

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £60
SOLD £58

Germany WW2 Official Luftwaffe metal handstamp ‘Luftwaffenkommando 3' used on military mail, with wooden handle. A unique item. Also two impressions of the stamp.

German Occupation of Poland WWI and WW2, a collection in binder, M&U and UM, some in sets, some of the used cancelled by favour. Cat £400+ (300)

Lot: 225

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70

German Occupation of Poland WWI and WW2, a collection in binder, M&U and UM, some in sets, some of the used cancelled by favour. Cat £400+ (300)

Iceland 1920-2018 mainly mint collection in album, mostly from 1999 with many sets, miniature-sheets and good booklets,

Lot: 226

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £68

Iceland 1920-2018 mainly mint collection in album, mostly from 1999 with many sets, miniature-sheets and good booklets, together with a similar volume of Faroes, Greenland and Aland Is., and a further album of mainly used Ireland. (100s).

Poland 1918-19 selection comprising Polish Corps in Russia SG M5 LM mint with dealer’s guarantee mark on reverse (Cat £850), and SG M12/15 used

Lot: 229

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £100
SOLD £115

Poland 1918-19 selection comprising Polish Corps in Russia SG M5 LM mint with dealer's guarantee mark on reverse (Cat £850), and SG M12/15 used (with some imperfs); and Local Post issues (8) for KALISZ fine used. Also two examples overprinted for use in the LEVANT of doubtful authenticity. The used stamps cancelled by favour. 

Poland 1918-1970s M&U ranges in huge stockbook & on album pages; interest in overprints on Austria, good pre-WW2 including airmails,

Lot: 230

  • Auction Date: Wed 6th Dec 2023 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £180 - £220
SOLD £260

Poland 1918-1970s M&U ranges in huge stockbook & on album pages; interest in overprints on Austria, good pre-WW2 including airmails, Local Posts, many 1944-46 issues including 1944 National Heroes set VF unused (SG 499/501), Polish Occupation of Central Lithuania, 1950s Groszy surcharges M&U, and many others. Duplication in places. (1000s)