Lot: 130
Carton with M&U world ranges in stockbooks, in binders, etc, with interest in New Zealand from 1900s including better Officials & Life Insurance, mid-period France, Curacao, Portuguese India, and variety of others. (1000s)
Lot: 132
World collection in six binders including few Cinderella items, plus sundry covers including early 1950s Belgian Congo to UK (13), stamps in bags & packets, etc. (Sev. 1000s)
Lot: 136
Mainly Foreign ranges in two albums, s/book, on leaves and a sheet file; including used collection of 1930s/50s Argentina & Uruguay (1,260); USA mid-period in UM blocks; collection of UM West Germany Cat £770; and a mainly used mid-period world collection with interest in France & Colonies, Latin America, Iran, Portuguese Colonies, Netherlands and others. (Few 1000s)
Lot: 139
20th Century World M&U and UM ranges in eight stockbooks with main interest in Czechoslovakia 1920s-1964, plus Netherlands & Cols, various thematics including miniature sheets, etc. (Many 100s)
Lot: 144
Foreign ranges in eight stockbooks, two binders, on leaves etc, M&U with many UM sets; with interest in Vatican, Italy, Austria, Belgian Congo and others. Also FDCs of Netherlands and East Germany. (1000s)
Lot: 145
All-period M&U and UM ranges in assorted stockbooks & binders; including Russia from 19th Century, GB from 1d Black (near 4-margins, into at foot); San Marino, New Zealand from EVII to 1s mint, West Berlin, and three Japan year books. Many UM sets. (1000s).
Lot: 146
Carton with early to 1950s Scandinavia, GB and British C/Wealth in assorted albums, on leaves and stockbooks, with useful Iceland, some Danish West Indies, GB from QV, etc. Very mixed condition, some stamps adhering. (100s)
Lot: 175
Austria 1950s to 1980s First Day and Commemorative Covers in large binder, about 300 in all, mainly 1960s/80s, plus some UM sets and other items. Fine throughout.
Lot: 185
France late-1970s and 1980s ‘Philatelic Documents', a large collection in carton, including Red Cross and definitives. Fine condition. 14 kilos. (100s)
Lot: 186
Germany 1943-1977 Covers & few PCs, largely late-1940s/mid-1950s, commercial & philatelic, with main interest in French Zone, West Berlin and Saar, plus some Russian Zone, DDR and others. Includes registered, airmail, better frankings, postage due etc. Good to VF (148). Also some fronts & pieces.
Lot: 187
East Germany 1950 to 1980s M&U ranges in two stockbooks with light duplication, including around 210 mostly UM miniature sheets. The 1950 Debria mini-sheet is lightly mounted. (100s)
Lot: 188
Hungary M&U and UM ranges in s/book from 19th Century to 1940s with main interest in post-WWI Occupation of Romania, Postage Dues, and some Revenues. (Many 100s)
Lot: 189
Libya 1951 Postage Due overprint set fine UM. SG 144/150
Lot: 197
Netherlands & Colonies ranges in stockbook, mostly late-19th Century to 1940s with main interest in Netherlands East Indies and Curacao. (100s)
Lot: 198
Netherlands M&U and UM ranges in large s/book, with interest in postage dues, many booklets and FU booklet panes, UM Railway Parcel stamps, UM mini-sheets, and many others. High catalogue value. (Many 100s)