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Next Auction: Wed 2nd Apr 2025 12:00 BST

Auction No 395, Category: Photographs

11 Lots (displaying 1 - 11)

Album of 1930s Photographic Snapshots of Ireland (in corner mounts); 1954 Royal Tournament Programme; WW2 Dig for Victory leaflet;

Lot: 7

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £42

Album of 1930s Photographic Snapshots of Ireland (in corner mounts); 1954 Royal Tournament Programme; WW2 Dig for Victory leaflet; A Calendar of Cheer 1935 with attractive illuminated text; few signed photos including Judi Dench and George Robey; and other items. (Qty)    

Channel Is ephemera including many early 1950s billheads & receipts, various firms, duplicated, plus selection of modern photos of Sark

Lot: 8

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £44

Channel Is ephemera including many early 1950s billheads & receipts, various firms, duplicated, plus selection of modern photos of Sark including Royal Visit. Fair to fine. (over 160 items) 

Softback publications and mixed ephemera, including 1925 Wembley Exbn. Souvenir Album, late-1950s/early ‘60s Glamour Magazines (3)

Lot: 10

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £34

Softback publications and mixed ephemera, including 1925 Wembley Exbn. Souvenir Album, late-1950s/early ‘60s Glamour Magazines (3) , various Share Certificates, sew-on tourist badges, 1930s PPCs and photos of West Africa (mostly laid down in leather-bound album), etc. Varied condition. (100s) 

Album of photographs (31) used for the design of 1960s Boardman American Mystery novels plus 7 finished jacket covers;

Lot: 11

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £30

Album of photographs (31) used for the design of 1960s Boardman American Mystery novels plus 7 finished jacket covers; and other items including fine WWI Embroidered Silk handkerchief with lace border, and box of assorted PPCs. (Qty)

Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd single decker bus photographs comprising b/w PC size (88) and 6x4” colour (262);

Lot: 50

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £52

Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd single decker bus photographs comprising b/w PC size (88) and 6x4” colour (262); also 17 of subsidiaries. Fine (367)

Yorkshire Traction Co.Ltd double decker bus photographs comprising b/w PC size (104) and 6x4” colour (176 + 16 subsidiaries).

Lot: 51

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £44

Yorkshire Traction Co.Ltd double decker bus photographs comprising b/w PC size (104) and 6x4” colour (176 + 16 subsidiaries). Fine. (296)

Maidstone & District Motor Services bus photographs, all b/w PC size, comprising single decker (127) and double decker (69). Fine (196)

Lot: 52

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £70
SOLD £44

Maidstone & District Motor Services bus photographs, all b/w PC size, comprising single decker (127) and double decker (69). Fine (196)

Glasgow Trams, a collection of b/w photographs comprising PC size (86) and 6x4” (289), the larger types being contact prints

Lot: 53

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

Glasgow Trams, a collection of b/w photographs comprising PC size (86) and 6x4” (289), the larger types being contact prints and reproductions of very mixed quality. (375)

London Transport (and predecessors) b/w PC size photographs of buses, and trolleybuses (53), plus 18 in colour.

Lot: 54

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £66

London Transport (and predecessors) b/w PC size photographs of buses, and trolleybuses (53), plus 18 in colour. Some mixed quality but mostly fine. (243

East Kent Road Car Co. b/w PC size photographs of single decker (128) and double decker buses, VG/VF. (189

Lot: 55

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £70
SOLD £40

East Kent Road Car Co. b/w PC size photographs of single decker (128) and double decker buses, VG/VF. (189)

Bus Photographs, mostly coloured, PC size or 6x4” but including 148 b/w of Berresford Motors (Staffordshire);

Lot: 57

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £100 - £120
SOLD £80

Bus Photographs, mostly coloured, PC size or 6x4” but including 148 b/w of Berresford Motors (Staffordshire); 184 are foreign buses. Mostly good quality close-ups. VG/VF (922)