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Next Auction: Wed 2nd Apr 2025 12:00 BST

Auction No 406, Category: Postal History

39 Lots (displaying 1 - 20)

Scandinavian Wax Seals clipped from documents and covers, housed in an album and two boxes, 19th and 20th Century,

Lot: 10

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £120
SOLD £115

Scandinavian Wax Seals clipped from documents and covers, housed in an album and two boxes, 19th and 20th Century, mostly from Sweden and Denmark, with apparently little duplication and mostly in very good to fine condition. The album also contains a selection of enamelled badges. (Sev. 100s)

Covers & Cards in 5 albums, mostly GB and C/Wealth, philatelic and commercial, plus some unused postal stationery, QV to QE2;

Lot: 82

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60

Covers & Cards in 5 albums, mostly GB and C/Wealth, philatelic and commercial, plus some unused postal stationery, QV to QE2; good variety with some better items. GB predominates. Mixed quality. (325). Also 19 GB Presentation Packs.

Box of covers, cards & fronts from pre-stamp to modern with much GB; includes many Free fronts, plus 1d red frankings, 20th Century commercial mail,

Lot: 100

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £82

Box of covers, cards & fronts from pre-stamp to modern with much GB; includes many Free fronts, plus 1d red frankings, 20th Century commercial mail, etc. Mixed condition. (abt. 400)

Philatelic Literature including Robson Lowe "The Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps, Vol.1, Great Britain & the Empire in Europe",

Lot: 101

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80
SOLD £46

Philatelic Literature including Robson Lowe The Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps, Vol.1, Great Britain & the Empire in Europe, and Vol.5 North America (in 2 vols, in slipcase); Oliver Firth Postage Stamps and their Collection, 1897, orig. gilt cloth; all in VG/VF condition, plus three others in mixed condition. (7)   

Assorted Covers & Cards; with 1943-47 POW Mail (12) including two from a German POW in France, and 1945 from UK undelivered

Lot: 102

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £36

Assorted Covers & Cards; with 1943-47 POW Mail (12) including two from a German POW in France, and 1945 from UK undelivered b/s THIS LETTER HAS BEEN RETURNED BY THE SWISS POST OFFICE WHO WERE UNABLE TO REFORWARD IT TO GERMANY BECAUSE OF THE INTERRUPTION OF COMMUNICATIONS. Fair to fine. (46)

Assortment in box with some interest in France 19th Century covers and later PPCs, some with fine convoyeur cancels; stamps include WW2 Serbia. (Qty)

Lot: 109

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £56

Assortment in box with some interest in France 19th Century covers and later PPCs, some with fine convoyeur cancels; stamps include WW2 Serbia. (Qty.)   

Concorde 1976-77 First Flight covers (11) in album, one signed, plus some related unused postcards. Fine

Lot: 113

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £54

Concorde 1976-77 First Flight covers (11) in album, one signed, plus some related unused postcards. Fine              

Covers & PCs from pre-stamp; including 1855 with MANCHESTER s/w duplex; 1915 Finland to UK, censored at Tornea; 1915 Guatemala to Geneva;

Lot: 126

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £70

Covers & PCs from pre-stamp; including 1855 with MANCHESTER s/w duplex; 1915 Finland to UK, censored at Tornea; 1915 Guatemala to Geneva; 1915 Quebec to Liverpool with UK adhs and “Posted on the High Seas / Exempt from War Tax”; 1960s China to UK (6) and 1951 to Singapore; 1937 Censored at Canary Islands; and other useful items. Fair to Fine (34)    

British Diplomatic & Consular covers, 1948, several from Military Attaches, sent to Manchester from Brussels, Sofia (2), Warsaw, Moscow, Valparaiso,

Lot: 127

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60

British Diplomatic & Consular covers, 1948, several from Military Attaches, sent to Manchester from Brussels, Sofia (2), Warsaw, Moscow, Valparaiso, Rome, Bucharest and Washington D.C. VG/Fine (9)

Middle East Covers (67) 1940s to modern, plus mint & used stamps on pages, 1920s to 1950s, with main interest in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon;

Lot: 128

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £72

Middle East Covers (67) 1940s to modern, plus mint & used stamps on pages, 1920s to 1950s, with main interest in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon; includes Turkish stamps used in Arabia, some with overprints. VG/VF (Qty.)

First Flight Covers and some special flights, 1928-1970s with good proportion pre-1950, most with special cachets. Mostly VG/VF (103)

Lot: 129

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80
SOLD £62

First Flight Covers and some special flights, 1928-1970s with good proportion pre-1950, most with special cachets. Mostly VG/VF (103)   

Maritime Covers & Cards, 1900-1984, largely pre-1950 non-philatelic mail with wide range of PAQUEBOT marks,

Lot: 130

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £62

Maritime Covers & Cards, 1900-1984, largely pre-1950 non-philatelic mail with wide range of PAQUEBOT marks, plus 1907 PPC with superb GK. &  ARDRISHAIG PACKET / COLUMBA cds. Fair to fine (60). Also 7 pieces.

Military & Censored Mail, mostly WWI/WW2, chiefly British Forces, some French, German and American; includes Military Camp postmarks,

Lot: 131

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £52

Military & Censored Mail, mostly WWI/WW2, chiefly British Forces, some French, German and American; includes Military Camp postmarks, and wide range of FPOs and Censor marks/tapes. Mixed quality. (184). Also few letters & labels.        

Scandinavian covers & cards including 1905-28 with Christmas Seals of Denmark (4) and Sweden (4); 1945 Faroe Is with UK censorship;

Lot: 134

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60

Scandinavian covers & cards including 1905-28 with Christmas Seals of Denmark (4) and Sweden (4); 1945 Faroe Is with UK censorship; 1945 (9) from Denmark with censorship/currency control labels; 1956 PPC from Greenland to UK cancelled at Sondre Stromfjord; etc. Good-VF (36)

Prisoner of War mail, mostly 1940-47 to or from French or American (2) POWs in Germany, or German POWs in France (5). Fair to fine. (14)

Lot: 135

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £30

Prisoner of War mail, mostly 1940-47 to or from French or American (2) POWs in Germany, or German POWs in France (5). Fair to fine. (14)        

British Commonwealth postal history mix, chiefly 20th Century commercial covers from wide range of territories; interest in East Africa

Lot: 138

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80
SOLD £110

British Commonwealth postal history mix, chiefly 20th Century commercial covers from wide range of territories; interest in East Africa including Sudan, New Zealand incl. PPCs, Cyprus including airletters, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Falklands & Antarctica, and others. Fair to VF (275)   

British West Indies covers & cards 1895-1975 with main interest in Bahamas, St. Lucia and Jamaica, including used postal stationery.

Lot: 139

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70

British West Indies covers & cards 1895-1975 with main interest in Bahamas, St. Lucia and Jamaica, including used postal stationery. Good variety notably St. Lucia village cancellations. Mostly VG/VF (72)   

Great Britain Covers & Cards from pre-stamp to QE2, chiefly Lancashire interest with a variety of cancellations;

Lot: 141

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80
SOLD £88

Great Britain Covers & Cards from pre-stamp to QE2, chiefly Lancashire interest with a variety of cancellations; includes several with QV 1d red frankings, and much EVII/GV period with many used PPCs. Mixed condition. (abt. 420)

Paterson’s Post Roads. An 1822 edition of Edward Mogg’s "Paterson’s Roads" in worn leather binding, lacking first few leaves

Lot: 142

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £20 - £30

Paterson's Post Roads.  An 1822 edition of Edward Mogg's Paterson's Roads in worn leather binding, lacking first few leaves (including title page & map of Great Britain) but with text complete and 6 folding maps; xvi,673pp

Great Britain Philatelic Literature including Willcocks "England’s Postal History", "The Postal History of Great Britain and Ireland"

Lot: 143

  • Auction Date: Wed 12th Jan 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £50

Great Britain Philatelic Literature including Willcocks England's Postal History, The Postal History of Great Britain and Ireland and The British County Catalogue of Postal History, Vol.4, all in d/jkts; Calvert A History of The Manchester Post Office 1625-1900; monographs on Lancashire postmarks (3); Seymour The Postage Stamps of Great Britain 1840-1853 in d/jkt; and others. Varied condition but mostly good to fine. (13)