Lot: 128
Foreign collection on many album leaves, 1870s to 1980s, mostly European countries but including China & Japan. Mint, used and unused. Varied condition. (Some 1000s)
Lot: 129
20th Century ranges in stockbook, with many colourful thematics, including UM definitive sets to top values of Montserrat, St. Vincent, Poland, Hungary, Gambia, and many other useful. (100s)
Lot: 130
Olympic Games 1960s to 1980s, a collection of Winter Olympics sets and mini-sheets on many stockleaves, worldwide and either UM or CTO. Includes imperfs. Also some odd values. VF. (Many 100s)
Lot: 131
All-period accumulation stored haphazardly in 220 stockcards, M&U and UM; chiefly Foreign with interest in USA, Latin America, Monaco, and wide range of others, plus useful British Commonwealth notably Sudan officials, Canada etc. Includes miniature sheets. Mainly good to VF (100s)
Lot: 132
Romania and Vatican 1900s to 1980s fine duplicated accumulation in stockbook,largely mint with much UM in sets, VG/VF. (Several 100s)
Lot: 133
Mainly foreign accumulation stored in 251 stockcards, mostly mid-period but with some good earlies notably Greece large & small Hermes heads; main interest in Ethiopia, China, Japan, Albania, Andorra, Austro-Hungarian Military Posts, Monaco, Liberia, USA including 1895 $1 (2) and $5 VGU, West Germany, Guatemala, and good range of others with some British Commonwealth including useful Canada and Bermuda GVI 12s6d LM Mint. Mint, Used and UM. Largely VG to VF and high catalogue value. (Several 100s)
Lot: 135
Great Britain 1841 1d Reds (5) and 2d Blue all cancelled with Numbers in Maltese Cross postmarks, plus six other 1d imperfs, five with fair to superb MX cancels. Some imperfections. Includes 1d from black plate 2 with four margins but small thin. Cat £2250+ (12)
Lot: 136
Great Britain all-period accumulation on many stockcards, plus some FDCs, album pages etc; much useful mint from EVII with useful GV to QE2 definitives, Wembleys, good Phosphor commem sets UM including Red Cross, etc. Also some British C/W. Mixed condition. High catalogue value.(Some 100s)
Lot: 137
Great Britain 1953-86 commems in stockbook with some better Phosphor sets UM and FU (including Red Cross, NPY and Lifeboat). Fair to fine. (Few 100)
Lot: 138
GB Prestige Booklets 1980-1999, all different collection, plus a Christmas Stamps pack. VF (21 items)
Lot: 139
Australian States - South Australia 1886-96 15s, £2, £3, £4, £10, and £20 all mint, Perf 11½-12½, overprinted SPECIMEN. Some with brownish gum, hinge remains, o/w good. (6)
Lot: 140
Australian States – South Australia 1886 50s perf 10, postally used, KINGSTON cds, central portrait a little faded. SG 201. Cat £750
Lot: 141
Australian States – South Australia 1870-71 1d bright green fine LM Mint, some light gum browning, excellent colour & perfs. SG 90. Cat £300
Lot: 142
Australian States – South Australia 1856-1912 mainly used collection on printed leaves with mixed condition Imperfs to 1s (2); very good range of later pre-1900 issues to 1s (13) and 2s (4); impressive page of 1902-11 large format series to 5s (3) and £1, some mint; good Officials etc. Some damaged stamps not included in catalogue value which exceeds £4800. Varied condition. (228)
Lot: 143
Australian States – Tasmania 1853-1912 collection on printed leaves, the early issues used, later M&U; includes VGU example of SG 5 (just into at top), a forgery of SG1 and range of Chalon heads (37) with 20 imperfs. The forgery, damaged & fiscally used, plus the imperfs with no or hardly any margins are not included in catalogue value which exceeds £2250. (140)
Lot: 144
Belgium UM selection including Beaudoin definitives SG 1465, 1467, 1468, and 1469. STC £164 (13)
Lot: 145
Austria all-period M&U ranges neatly arranged in two large stockbooks with chief interest in 19th Century issues from 1850s many collected for postmarks with many fine strikes noted. High Catalogue values. (1000s)
Lot: 146
Canada mint & used ranges in stockbook, chiefly QE2 with much 1980s UM in sets, some in blocks of 4; also VFU of same period and various others from QV. (100s)
Lot: 147
Ceylon 1882-1935 M&U collection on printed leaves, the pre-1886 issues and the Officials mostly used; fairly complete with the exception of some highly catalogued items, including QV to 2R25c (mint) & 2R50c (used), EVII to 2R25c (mint) and 5Rs (FU) and GV to 20Rs (3, two used, another overprinted SPECIMEN. Some mixed quality but generally good to fine. STC £2894. (218)
Lot: 148
Cyprus 1880-1896 impressive collection on album page with most basic issues mint or used, plus additional Plate Nos. on the GB Ovpts; above average quality but SG 13 unused has only partial gum. Mainly good to fine and STC £6972 (55)