Lot: 62
Railway History and photography, including David & Charles regional History (5, in d/w), Manchester area softbacks, etc. (22)
Lot: 63
Box of professional colour 35mm slides 1960s to 1990s, mostly bus and railway interest, with both UK and Australia; also some topography. (97). Also some unused mounts
Lot: 64
Railway Tickets, largely 1950s & 1960s British Railways plus few pre-BR; used & unused with a wide variety of stations and destinations, some with SPECIMEN handstamps. Housed in plastic sleeves. (100)
Lot: 65
British Railways Tickets 1950s & 1960s, mainly used including many for Military personnel and Dogs, some for Bicycles etc. Wide variety of stations and destinations. (110)
Lot: 66
Edmondson type tickets 1950s & 1960s, very largely British Railways but including 1950 & 1951 Irish Sea steamers (2); used & unused with a wide variety of stations and destinations. Some with SPECIMEN handstamps. (100)
Lot: 67
British Railways Tickets 1950s and 1960s, chiefly unused, with wide variety of stations & destinations; many Scottish stations with several to and from Beattock noted. (100)