Lot: 181
Falkland Islands 1904-12 set mint with additional shades, including 3s (3, one with toned perfs), the 6d and 5s UM. Mainly VG/VF. Cat £750+ (17)
Lot: 182
Falkland Islands 1912-20 fine mint set to 1s with additional shades, some stamps UM. STC £380+ (18)
Lot: 183
Falkland Islands 1912-20 values to 10s mint with additional shades to 5s (2). VG/VF the 10s UM. Cat £740+ (14)
Lot: 184
Falkland Islands 1918-35 mint collection with some duplication; comprising 1918 War Stamps; 1921-28 to 3s, 2d & 2½d in UM blocks of 4, 3s with toned gum; 1929 Whale & Penguin set to 5s; 1933 Centenary set to 6d (2, one with small thin), 1s and 10s; and Jubilee set. Many with hinge remains. Cat £2000 approx. (71)
Lot: 185
France late-1970s and 1980s ‘Philatelic Documents', a large collection in carton, including Red Cross and definitives. Fine condition. 14 kilos. (100s)
Lot: 186
Germany 1943-1977 Covers & few PCs, largely late-1940s/mid-1950s, commercial & philatelic, with main interest in French Zone, West Berlin and Saar, plus some Russian Zone, DDR and others. Includes registered, airmail, better frankings, postage due etc. Good to VF (148). Also some fronts & pieces.
Lot: 187
East Germany 1950 to 1980s M&U ranges in two stockbooks with light duplication, including around 210 mostly UM miniature sheets. The 1950 Debria mini-sheet is lightly mounted. (100s)
Lot: 188
Hungary M&U and UM ranges in s/book from 19th Century to 1940s with main interest in post-WWI Occupation of Romania, Postage Dues, and some Revenues. (Many 100s)
Lot: 189
Libya 1951 Postage Due overprint set fine UM. SG 144/150
Lot: 190
Malaya M&U collection in binder with better Kedah, Kelantan and other States issues; range of FMS tigers to 50c; many Malaysia; and few covers. Fair to fine. (c.1100)
Lot: 191
Malaya – Straits Settlements 1902-03 set to $5 (less 25c) all mint, largely fine, the Dollar values very lightly mounted, the 8c heavily hinged. Cat £450.
Lot: 192
Malaya – Straits Settlements 1902-04 Crown CA set, and 1904-10 MCA set to $5, all fine mint, a few UM. Cat £800+ (22)
Lot: 193
Malaya – Straits Settlements 1906-07 overprints on Labuan, mint values to $1 (2); and 1906-12 set to $2 mint. Most with hinge remains, a few UM, $2 with dealer's guarantee mark on reverse. Cat £550. (27)
Lot: 194
Malaya – Straits Settlements 1912-35 good mint collection on leaves; with 1912-23 to $2 (4, one perfined) and $5 (5) from various printings; 1921-33 to $2; 1936 to $1; and Jubilee set. Quality varies, some with hinge remains, some LM mint, some UM. Cat £1050+ (97)
Lot: 195
Malaysia 1965 definitives, a collection of retouches and plate flaws written up on 25 leaves, with several mint multiples showing positional varieties, chiefly Perlis, Selangor and Sarawak. (Qty.)
Lot: 196
Morocco Agencies 1898-1957 M&U duplicated collection on leaves and in packets with many better items including high values, overprints on Gibraltar, etc. VG/VF with some UM. (Few 100)
Lot: 197
Netherlands & Colonies ranges in stockbook, mostly late-19th Century to 1940s with main interest in Netherlands East Indies and Curacao. (100s)
Lot: 198
Netherlands M&U and UM ranges in large s/book, with interest in postage dues, many booklets and FU booklet panes, UM Railway Parcel stamps, UM mini-sheets, and many others. High catalogue value. (Many 100s)
Lot: 199
Nauru 1916-48 mint collection on pages with 1916-23 overprints to 1s, plus 1½d type 2; 1916-23 De La Rue 2s6d and 5s (2, one VF, other with perf faults); 1924-48 values to 10s, mixed printings; and 1935 Jubilee set plus 1s FU.
Lot: 200
Newfoundland 1910-35 mint collection on leaves including 1919 Trans-Atlantic Air Post $1 (SG143); 1931 50c & $1 Airs LM Mint; 1932 set to 20c; 1933 Air set UM; and 1933 350th Anniversary set. Largely VG /VF and cat £840. (75)