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Auction No 379, Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST

272 Lots (displaying 181 - 200)

Falkland Islands QV selection, largely mint to 1s (2); includes 1878 6d and 1s, latter with toned gum,

Lot: 181

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100

Falkland Islands QV selection, largely mint to 1s (2); includes 1878 6d and 1s, latter with toned gum, 1885 1d, and 1889 4d UM (SG 12); most with hinge remains. Fair to VF (18)

Fiji QV to GV collection on printed leaves, M&U, with good 19th Century selection to 1s (4, one mint, others CTO),

Lot: 182

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £150 - £180
SOLD £110

Fiji QV to GV collection on printed leaves, M&U, with good 19th Century selection to 1s (4, one mint, others CTO), EVII to 1s (2) and 5s (UM); GV to 2s6d  (3) and 5s (2); Jubilee set; and 1918 Dues UM. Mostly VG/VF. STC £1221 (98)

Fiji QE2 M&U ranges in small stockbook with good definitives to 10s and $2 FU, and $1 UM. (140)

Lot: 183

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £20 - £30

Fiji QE2 M&U ranges in small stockbook with good definitives to 10s and $2 FU, and $1 UM. (140)

France collection in printed album for issues 1849-1978, with chief interest in 1930s to early 1970s mint

Lot: 184

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £120 - £140
SOLD £70

France collection in printed album for issues 1849-1978, with chief interest in  1930s to early 1970s mint with much post-1950 UM noted including good charity sets, some with additional used examples. Some stamps removed. STC £3200+ (over 1550). Very mixed condition.

France 19th Century accumulation in stockbook including 100s of Ceres and Napoleon heads to 40c,

Lot: 185

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £150 - £200
SOLD £50

France 19th Century accumulation in stockbook including 100s of Ceres and Napoleon heads to 40c, both imperf and perf, assembled for cancellations, with many of the imperfs 4-margined; also many Peace & Commerce to 1Fr, and some Sowers on album pages. Fair/fine. (Several 100s)

France collection 1849-1992 in 3 printed albums, remaindered but still with many useful throughout

Lot: 186

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £60

France collection 1849-1992 in 3 printed albums, remaindered but still with many useful throughout, including 19th Century from imperfs, better mid-period M&U and modern UM ranges. High Catalogue  value. (Many 100s)

France 20th Century accumulation in large stockbook with defins, charities and commems, M&U and UM;

Lot: 187

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £120 - £150
SOLD £105

France 20th Century accumulation in large stockbook with defins, charities and commems, M&U and UM; duplication (especially the definitives) and varied quality but high catalogue value. (1000s)

France 1960s to 1990s mint & used duplicated accumulation in large stockbook, the mint largely UM,

Lot: 188

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £20

France 1960s to 1990s mint & used duplicated accumulation in large stockbook, the mint largely UM, untidy lot, crammed into most pages, requiring sorting but high catalogue value. (1000s)

France all-period ranges in hagner album; chief interest in pre-cancels and 1950s to modern pictorials,

Lot: 189

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £34

France all-period ranges in hagner album; chief interest in pre-cancels and 1950s to modern pictorials, mostly used; includes 80 of the Art series. Little duplication. Fair to VF (1500)

Hungary 1965-89 Stamp Exhibition miniature sheets UM, a collection in stockbook including scarcer Imperfs;

Lot: 190

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100
SOLD £70

Hungary 1965-89 Stamp Exhibition miniature sheets UM, a collection in stockbook including scarcer Imperfs; VF lot STC £650. (51 MS)

Gambia 1869 6d deep blue, no wmk, fresh mint, small thin, large margins, light crease, and another, fine used,

Lot: 191

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80

Gambia 1869 6d deep blue, no wmk, fresh mint, small thin, large margins, light crease, and another, fine used, some thinning, with GAMBIA cds for 19th March ’69 the 2nd Day of  issue! Cat £730 (2)

Gambia 1874 4d pale brown, Wmk Crown CC, fine used, clear/large margins. SG 6. Cat £225

Lot: 192

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

Gambia 1874 4d pale brown, Wmk Crown CC, fine used, clear/large margins. SG 6. Cat £225

Germany – Anglo-American Zone collection in stockbook, mint, used and UM, duplicated,

Lot: 193

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £56

Germany – Anglo-American Zone collection in stockbook, mint, used and UM, duplicated, with many definitives to top values and commemorative sets. (abt. 600)

German Colonies and Bavaria in small stockbook, plus some other States issues, with good proportion postally used

Lot: 194

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £32

German Colonies and Bavaria in small stockbook, plus some other States issues, with good proportion postally used; some mixed condition. (205)

Gibraltar 1886-1903 mint collection on printed album leaf from SG 8 to SG 51 plus two used;

Lot: 195

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £200 - £240
SOLD £185

Gibraltar 1886-1903 mint collection on printed album leaf from SG 8 to SG 51 plus two used; a few stamps with some toned perfs but most  are VG with fine fresh colours. Includes scarce SG 11a (Wmk Inverted) which has a toned perf and hinge remains. STC £1742 (41)

Greece 1922 10dr (SG229) printed both sides, in pale brown, image on reverse being a complete offset,

Lot: 196

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £20 - £30

Greece 1922 10dr (SG229) printed both sides, in pale brown, image on reverse being a complete offset, unused without gum. A printer’s trial.

Greece – Balkan War Issues 1912-14 mainly mint selection chiefly issues for Limnos and Samos;

Lot: 197

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £50

Greece – Balkan War Issues 1912-14 mainly mint selection chiefly issues for Limnos and Samos; including Limnos 1912-13 overprints to 25dr., the top value with both black and red overprint types; also Epirus 1914 SG 31/34 mint. Fair to VF (71)

Greenland 1915 20ore Pakke Porto used, officially re-perforated on two sides, fine. Facit P9C3. Scarce

Lot: 198

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80

Greenland 1915 20ore Pakke Porto used, officially re-perforated on two sides, fine. Facit P9C3. Scarce


Greenland 1915-33 Pakke Porto perf 11.25 1ore & 10ore LM Mint; 20ore, 70ore and 3Kr all UM;

Lot: 199

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £170 - £200

Greenland 1915-33 Pakke Porto perf 11.25 1ore & 10ore LM Mint; 20ore, 70ore and 3Kr all UM; and 5ore used CTO cancel; VF. Cat 10,600kr (Facit)

Greenland 1945 Pictorial set VFU, part GRONLANDS POSTKONTOR datestamps. Facit 10-18. Cat 3000kr

Lot: 200

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60

Greenland 1945 Pictorial set VFU, part GRONLANDS POSTKONTOR datestamps. Facit 10-18. Cat 3000kr