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Auction No 379, Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST

272 Lots (displaying 161 - 180)

Canada 1903 1c, 2c, 7c, 20c and 50c all fresh mint, hinge remains; plus 2c Imperf pair mint, lower stamp UM.

Lot: 161

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £80 - £120

Canada 1903 1c, 2c, 7c, 20c and 50c all fresh mint, hinge remains; plus 2c Imperf pair mint, lower stamp UM. Cat £885

Canada 1908 Quebec set, the 5c, 7c and 10c FU cds (5c with small faults), other values fresh mint,

Lot: 162

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60

Canada 1908 Quebec set, the 5c, 7c and 10c FU cds (5c with small faults), other values fresh mint, the ½c and 1c with pencil marks on gum. Cat £542

Canada 1912-36 fresh mint collection on printed leaves (plus few used) near complete including the coil perfs,

Lot: 163

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £500 - £550
SOLD £350

Canada 1912-36 fresh mint collection on printed leaves (plus few used) near complete including the coil perfs, with 1912-18 to 50c, WAR TAX overprints, 1922-25 to $1, 1928-29 to $1, 1930-31 to $1 and the later issues. VG lot STC £4365. No Dues, Special Delivery issues etc. VG to VF. (166)

Cape of Good Hope 1853-64 Triangulars on printed leaf comprising 1d (7), 4d (10), 6d (5) and 1s (2);

Lot: 164

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £150 - £200
SOLD £170

Cape of Good Hope 1853-64 Triangulars on printed leaf comprising 1d (7), 4d (10), 6d (5) and 1s (2); twelve have full margins; two stamps are pen-cancelled. Mixed quality and condition but several fine. STC £3985 (24)

Cayman Islands 1900-1907 mainly mint range including 1901-2 to 1s, 1905-6 to 1s (1d & 6d FU), 1907 4d to 5s,

Lot: 165

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £100 - £130

Cayman Islands 1900-1907 mainly mint range including 1901-2 to 1s, 1905-6 to 1s (1d & 6d FU), 1907 4d to 5s, and Nov.1907 1D surcharge (some staining). Most with hinge remains, the 5s fine LM Mint. Cat £960. Also ½ d postal stationery cut-out used as a postage stamp. Fair to fine. (21)

Cayman Islands 1907-09 MCA issues to 10s, mostly mint, the ½d, 1d, 3d, and 1s FU; mint stamps with hinge remains.

Lot: 166

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £30

Cayman Islands 1907-09 MCA issues to 10s, mostly mint, the ½d, 1d, 3d, and 1s FU; mint stamps with hinge remains. Good to VF (12)

Cayman Islands GV selection on pages, mostly mint; including 1912-20 to 3s, 1921-26 MCA to 10s and Script CA to 10s

Lot: 167

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £120 - £150
SOLD £90

Cayman Islands GV selection on pages, mostly mint; including 1912-20 to 3s, 1921-26 MCA to 10s and Script CA to 10s with additional 5s shade, 1935 Pictorial set and Jubilee set. Good to VF and Cat £780. (58)

Ceylon 1857-80 good collection on printed leaves, mainly used, with imperfs to 5d (2), 10d and 1s;

Lot: 168

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £170 - £230
SOLD £260

Ceylon 1857-80 good collection on printed leaves, mainly used, with imperfs to 5d (2), 10d and 1s; very good range of 1861-70 perforated issues to 2s (3); and 1872-80 to 96c. STC £3109 (does not include the imperfs which are not guaranteed). Fair to fine (78)

China attractive pictorial cover to India with 15c franking (one stamp on reverse) cancelled WOUCHANG cds;

Lot: 169

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £20

China attractive pictorial cover to India with 15c franking (one stamp on reverse) cancelled WOUCHANG cds; clipped corner upper left. Transit and arrival backstamps. VG


Cook Islands 1892-1936 good collection on printed leaves, mainly mint; including 1892 set used,1893-1919 issues complete,

Lot: 170

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £250 - £300
SOLD £250

Cook Islands 1892-1936 good collection on printed leaves, mainly mint; including 1892 set used, 1893-1919 issues complete, plus pictorial sets to 1s, and overprints on 2s & 3s Admirals and Postal Fiscals to 10s. VG condition and STC £1938. (100)

Democratic Republic of Congo 1960 Overprint set to 100Fr, 1963 Birds Definitives set, and 1971 Animals Definitives set,

Lot: 171

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £10

Democratic Republic of Congo 1960 Overprint set to 100Fr, 1963 Birds Definitives set, and 1971 Animals Definitives set, all fine UM. (42)

Czechoslovakia 1918-37 mint & used and UM collection in stockbook with many Hradcany types,

Lot: 172

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100
SOLD £70

Czechoslovakia 1918-37 mint & used and UM collection in stockbook with many Hradcany types, some in blocks of 4; plus fine range of overprints on Austria & Hungary, and selection of later issues with good airmails. Mint predominates. STC £1650 approx. Mainly good to VF

Denmark mint collection to 1989 on hingeless leaves, UM from 1950s with some earlier mtd mint;

Lot: 173

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £250 - £300

Denmark mint collection to 1989 on hingeless leaves, UM from 1950s with some earlier mtd mint; pre-1950 issues rather sparse but includes 1875 5ore LM Mint, 1904-6 to 100ore, 1918-27 surcharges fairly complete, 1920-21 Re-Union set plus Red Cross surcharges (some UM), 1930 60th Birthday set, plus good Postage Dues etc both mint and used. Issues from 1957-89 are complete. Good to VF. STC £2480

Denmark 1904 15ore surcharge mint pair and FU pair showing respectively "Short 15" and "Sloping Flag on 5" varieties;

Lot: 174

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £20 - £30

Denmark 1904 15ore surcharge mint pair and FU pair showing respectively "Short 15" and "Sloping Flag on 5" varieties; Facit 62 v1 and v2. Cat 780kr.

Denmark 1912-15 35ore and 80ore surcharges fine mint including additional 35ore on 20ore with Inverted Frame.

Lot: 175

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

Denmark 1912-15 35ore and 80ore surcharges fine mint including additional 35ore on 20ore with Inverted Frame. Facit 47, 48, 48v2, and 49. Cat 1475kr

Denmark 1914-15 Newspaper Stamp set FU, 8ore with a pulled perf. Facit TI 11-20. Cat 1690kr. (10)

Lot: 176

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

Denmark 1914-15 Newspaper Stamp set FU, 8ore with a pulled perf. Facit TI 11-20. Cat 1690kr. (10)

Denmark 1914-23 Officials set FU. Facit TJ 16-24. Cat 1410kr (9)

Lot: 177

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

Denmark 1914-23 Officials set FU. Facit TJ 16-24. Cat 1410kr (9)

Denmark 1925-29 Air Mail set VF Mint, the 1kr UM. (5)

Lot: 178

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £60 - £80
SOLD £50

Denmark 1925-29 Air Mail set VF Mint, the 1kr UM. (5)

Denmark 1925-29 15ore Airmail fine used. Facit 214 (SG 225)

Lot: 179

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £20 - £30

Denmark 1925-29 15ore Airmail fine used. Facit 214 (SG 225)

Denmark and Finland covers & cards in album from 1861, including many better mid-period frankings;

Lot: 180

  • Auction Date: Wed 10th Oct 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £80
SOLD £20

Denmark and Finland covers & cards in album from 1861, including many better mid-period frankings; the Denmark include 1910 & 1916 PPCs with Christmas seals, 1966 Parcel Ferry waybill with pair 1kr cancelled NORDBY-FANO ferry oval d.s, plus registered, airmail etc; the Finland mainly mid-period Lions paying various rates but including some better illustrated FDCs of the 1940s/50s. Good to VF. (119)