Lot: 35
Italy 1947-1950, Press Agency photographs mostly concerning the hunt for Sicilian ‘Bandits' (Mafia), and the shooting of the Italian Communist Leader Palmiro Togliatti, all with descriptive text on reverse, mostly issued by Keystone Press and Planet News. 8 x 6”, one with small tear. (20)
Lot: 36
Press Agency photographs, 1947-50, mostly concerning serious crime and subsequent trials, including spying & espionage, assassination of Egypt's premier, and the attempted assassination of the Shah of Iran, mainly Europe and Middle East. Issued by Keystone Press and Planet News. Between 6 x 4” and 9 x 7”, all with descriptive text on reverse. (39)
Lot: 37
United States 1947-1950, Press Agency photographs, all serious crime related and subsequent trials, including spying & espionage, Nazi collaborators, murders, and the attempted assassination of President Truman, all with descriptive text on reverse. Issued by Keystone Press and Planet News. 8 x 6” (15)
Lot: 82
The Assassination of Spencer Perceval, 1812, comprising a hand-coloured etching by Dennes Dighton of the assassin John Bellingham at the Old Bailey, and an Act of Parliament to provide for the widow & children of Spencer Perceval. Also four other Acts including an 1842 Act for establishing a Prison at Pentonville, and two concerning Prisons at Millbank and Perth. The print 29 x 21cm, with some browning and manuscript annotations. (6)
Lot: 85
The attempted assassination of Queen Victoria 1840: a pair of coloured lithographs after T.C. Wilson depicting the attack by Edward Oxford and his appearance at the Old Bailey, printed by Alvey of London, framed and glazed, overall 17.5 x 15.5”; and a copy of The Examiner for 12th July 1840 with trial report and verdict. (3 items)