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Next Auction: Wed 2nd Apr 2025 12:00 BST

Auction No 419, Tag: Germany

6 Lots (displaying 1 - 6)

Germany with many pre-1918 including coloured chromos and other early UB, several PU in Bavaria. Some with tape stains at corners.

Lot: 139

  • Auction Date: Wed 2nd Aug 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £42

Germany with many pre-1918 including coloured chromos and other early UB, several PU in Bavaria. Some with tape stains at corners. Mixed condition. (64)     

Carton with world all-period M&U ranges in various albums, stockbooks and on leaves; with much USA, some useful Portuguese Colonies, West Berlin,

Lot: 181

  • Auction Date: Wed 2nd Aug 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £62

Carton with world all-period M&U ranges in various albums, stockbooks and on leaves; with much USA, some useful Portuguese Colonies, West Berlin, Norway and various others. Mixed condtion. (1000s).  

Pre-stamp to 1980s postal history mix, mostly 20th Century, with some interest in Germany, Russia, South Africa, Colombia, Bermuda and others.

Lot: 185

  • Auction Date: Wed 2nd Aug 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £76

Pre-stamp to 1980s postal history mix, mostly 20th Century, with some interest in Germany, Russia, South Africa, Colombia, Bermuda and others. Varied condition. (195) 

All-period Foreign ranges in eight large stockbooks, predominantly used, with interest in Germany, Austria, Latin America, Japan, Poland, Switzerland,

Lot: 186

  • Auction Date: Wed 2nd Aug 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £120 - £140
SOLD £80

All-period Foreign ranges in eight large stockbooks, predominantly used, with interest in Germany, Austria, Latin America, Japan, Poland, Switzerland, Vietnam, Netherlands, Iceland, Sweden and others. Generally VG/VF. (Many 1000s)

World ranges in various albums & stockbooks; chief interest in Foreign with useful Norway incl. many early posthorns, Germany, Spain from imperfs etc.

Lot: 191

  • Auction Date: Wed 2nd Aug 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £80
SOLD £50

World ranges in various albums & stockbooks; chief interest in Foreign with useful Norway incl. many early posthorns, Germany, Spain from imperfs etc. Includes old Ideal Album near empty with worn binding but o/w good condition. (1000s).

Germany collection in four albums from 1872 to 1983 plus few States issues, M&U and UM; includes better used Third Reich and good West Berlin UM or FU

Lot: 243

  • Auction Date: Wed 2nd Aug 2023 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £80
SOLD £96

Germany collection in four albums from 1872 to 1983 plus few States issues, M&U and UM; includes better used Third Reich and good West Berlin UM or FU. The mint 1930s/40s in very mixed condition. No East Germany. (Many 100s)