Lot: 19
Bus Timetables of Northern Ireland (23) from 1950 plus related handbills (6) for tours; together with timetables for Eire (7) from 1947, and few related bus maps. Chiefly Ulsterbus to 1980s, some UTA, C.I.E. etc.
Lot: 157
Ireland 1929-82 used collection in album, largely in sets, plus some mint sets 1988 & 1989. The 1929-82 period is fairly complete including some better 1940s & 1950s commems. (few 100)
Lot: 185
Ireland 1922-2000 used collection in album with GB Ovpts to 1s, St.Patrick to 10s, later defins to £5, numerous commems & pictorials including better 1940s/50s sets. (Some 100s)