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Next Auction: Wed 2nd Apr 2025 12:00 BST

Auction No 396, Tag: New Zealand

3 Lots (displaying 1 - 3)

All-period accumulation in large carton with much British C/W and GB; includes useful GVI period M&U, collections of Egypt (with good Officials)

Lot: 107

  • Auction Date: Wed 4th Nov 2020 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £100 - £120
SOLD £135

All-period accumulation in large carton with much British C/W and GB; includes useful GVI period M&U, collections of Egypt (with good Officials) and New Zealand from QV, and wide range of others. Varied condition. (Some 1000s)

World ranges in seven assorted albums and three stockbooks, 1850s to 1980s with interest in 19th Century Foreign, all-period New Zealand,

Lot: 110

  • Auction Date: Wed 4th Nov 2020 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £120 - £150
SOLD £130

World ranges in seven assorted albums and three stockbooks, 1850s to 1980s with interest in 19th Century Foreign, all-period New Zealand, Isle of Man and duplicated India; some stamps removed and mixed condition. High catalogue value. (1000s)

All-period ranges in five stockbooks (two large) plus qty.of remaindered club-books; includes much useful Australia from GV with ‘Roos to 5s,

Lot: 125

  • Auction Date: Wed 4th Nov 2020 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £90 - £110
SOLD £105

All-period ranges in five stockbooks (two large) plus qty.of remaindered club-books; includes much useful Australia from GV with ‘Roos to 5s, Robes to £1 and later high values, plus New Zealand, Ethiopia, Canada and Israel. M&U and UM. Mixed condition. (4000 ++)