Lot: 163
British Commonwealth mint or UM ranges on stockcards, George VI & early QE2; with some sets to £1 or equivalent, good middle and high values, & other better. Interest in South Africa, KUT, Grenada, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, and others. STC £2,666 approx. (427)
Lot: 171
British C/W Dominions in stockbook & on stockleaves from QV, with chief interest in Australia, plus some useful South Africa, New Zealand & others. STC £1400 (c.1,630)
Lot: 190
New Zealand 1995-2005 VFU all different collection in sets, arranged in a stockbook. (393)
Lot: 200
Canada and New Zealand QV to QE2 M&U collections in 2 large stockbooks, plus some UM blocks & pairs in hagner binder. Some better QV to GV items noted and high catalogue value, earlies in mixed condition. (Several 100s)
Lot: 217
British Commonwealth 1880s to 1960s ranges neatly arranged in loose-leaf album; chiefly GV & GVI period with interest in a wide variety of territories; emphasis on FU including GB Overprints, Indian States, New Zealand Officials, Trinidad, Pitcairn and many others. (100s)
Lot: 220
New Zealand 1991-1998 UM collection in printed album near complete including Mini-Sheets. Some sets lightly duplicated. (approx. 360 + 18 MS)