Lot: 83
WW2 Immigration of European Refugees to the United States: correspondence to Erwin Hirsch of Ohio concerning applications for immigration from his brother and family, refugees from Austria and Czechoslovakia, at that time living in the United Kingdom; this archive includes Austrian & Czech ID papers, letters from the National Refugee Service (7), Department of Justice, the US Senate, the War Manpower Commission, and the US Consulate in London, plus a welcome card from The Daughters of the American Revolution with a miniature flag.
Lot: 85
Immigration and other Official Documents 1939-56 concerning L/Cpl. Stanislaw Bukielski and his wife Cpl. Julia Bukielska, both of the Polish Army, M.E.F., both granted permission to work with the Polish Resettlement Corps in the UK, together with two documents pertaining to Stanislaw Bukielski's Naturalization as a United States citizen in 1963, and four further documents supplied by the Polish Government 1949-1970s. VG condition. (23 documents)