Lot: 75
Selection including publicity chromos for Canadian Pacific Rly. Co. (2) and Royal Mail Steam Pkt. (2); close-up interiors Haifa Railway Stn., Palestine; 1905 Trading Junks Canton harbour (stamp removed); RP Flood Refugee Camp at West Monroe 1927; 1905 Hong Kong to USA with DEUTSCHE SEEPOST cancel, shipping interest etc. Fair to VF (35)
Lot: 106
Naval Warships, mostly Edwardian period, all coloured including artist drawn dreadnoughts & similar, good to VF (28)
Lot: 107
Naval Ships, largely British but including the scuttled German ships at Scapa Flow (3), mostly RPs, 1900s to 1950s, good to VF (30)
Lot: 109
Naval interest with posed RP groups (7), Francis Dodd Admirals of the British Navy (10) and various others. Good to VF (25)