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Auction No 378, Tag: Spain

2 Lots (displaying 1 - 2)

Mixed coins, mostly British copper from QV but including Irish and Spanish 20th Century;

Lot: 92

  • Auction Date: Wed 29th Aug 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £54

Mixed coins, mostly British copper from QV but including Irish and Spanish 20th Century; mixed quality with better noted including some VF/EF Irish pre-1950; the British include 1853 Farthing EF, 1853, 1857 & 1872 Half-Pennies VF/EF, 1935 Penny near UNC, 1934 Shilling EF, etc. (300+)

Accumulation from 19th Century to modern in stockbooks, binders, on stockleaves etc; including useful GB

Lot: 112

  • Auction Date: Wed 29th Aug 2018 12:00 BST (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £86

Accumulation from 19th Century to modern in stockbooks, binders, on stockleaves etc; including useful GB with many 1d Reds, 1840 2d (cut into), EVII 2s6d VFU, GV to 10s FU; mint or UM Spain; and much post-1960 France M&U and UM  (1000s)