Lot: 273
West Midlands with street scenes of Bloxwich (3 RPs), Great Bridge, Warley, Smethwick, Wolverhampton (7, 3 RPs), West Bromwich (2, one RP), Walsall; advert card for Eliza Tinsley & Co. of Old Hill; fine Wolverhampton shop front RP; etc. 21 RPs. (46)
Lot: 274
Birmingham and outer suburbs including RP street scenes of Lea Marston, Dorridge, Water Orton (2), Marston Green, and Yardley Wood (printed); RPs Erdington Operatic Society 1912 and Aston Cross Football Team 1924; and other useful. (54)
Lot: 275
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick & area, views & social history, with Stratford's Mop Fair (8) including Ox-Roast scenes (5); street scenes of Kingswood, Tanworth, and Claverdon; plus Alcester Baptist Church with children; etc. Six RPs. (21)
Lot: 276
Rugby, Nuneaton and area including street scenes of Dunchurch, Rugby (16), Napton, Nuneaton, Earlswood (2); plus RP interior Rugby Railway Station 1914. Sixteen RPs. (33)
Lot: 277
Birmingham and suburbs, topography & social history, including 1906 Fire Disaster, RP Public House exteriors (3), various street scenes (14,mainly suburban RPs), RP Co-Op Coalmen with carts (2), 1907 Tram Smash (2, plain-backs); etc. One card creased, others fair to fine. (51)
Lot: 278
Birmingham suburbs comprising Hall Green (5), Hockley Heath (7), Solihull (4), Castle Bromwich (2), and Drakes Cross, 1900s to 1930s, including 12 street scenes. Largely RPs. Mixed condition, mainly good to fine. (19)
Lot: 279
Bournville selection including scarce set of 6 early UB vignettes, delivery of milk by canal barges, and RPs of "Fircroft" and "The Beeches". (12)
Lot: 280
Sutton Coldfield (12) including 7 street scenes and 1906 Procession, plus Gravelly Hill (3 RP street scenes). Six are RPs. (15)