Lot: 2
Mostly Yorkshire Tram photos 1930s to 1960s, PC size, especially Leeds, plus Halifax, Bradford and others; includes printings from earlier negatives. Many good close-ups and street scenes. (100)
Lot: 40
Bus Timetables (7) for East, North & South Yorkshire and Northumberland, 1960s & 1970s; plus brochures & leaflets (8) from 1947, mostly for Coach services including 1950 Sheffield United Tours 48pp pamphlet.
Lot: 41
Bus Timetables for West Yorkshire 1958-1972, comprising West Riding Automobile Co. (3), Halifax Passenger Transport (3), and West Yorkshire Road Car Co (4, one issued for Conductors). All bar one with Maps. Also three fine Excursion leaflets. (13)
Lot: 42
Bus Timetables for West Yorkshire (13) largely 1960s, notably Bradford City Transport (5), Heble (3, one poor), and Yorkshire Woollen District (4). Also 17 leaflets or pamphlets, chiefly Leeds.
Lot: 120
Box of GB views 1900s to 1970s with all periods well-represented; some interest in Yorkshire, Wales, Devon, Sussex, Derbyshire, and others. Varied condition but mainly good to fine. (c.650)