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Auction No 407, Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT

211 Lots (displaying 121 - 140)

Collection of 19th Century ELs & Covers, Prussia to France, written up to exhibition standard, including several from Russia, Poland & Estonia

Lot: 121

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £150 - £200
SOLD £120

Collection of 19th Century ELs & Covers, Prussia to France, written up to exhibition standard, including several from Russia, Poland & Estonia routed through Prussia; wide range of transit and arrival marks, charge marks etc. VG quality. (22)

WW2 Covers to and from Netherlands all showing UK or German Censorship with a variety of censor tapes & handstamps. Fair to Fine. (23)

Lot: 122

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

WW2 Covers to and from Netherlands all showing UK or German Censorship with a variety of censor tapes & handstamps. Fair to Fine. (23)       

Mainly mint C/W and Foreign ranges on stockleaves with much UM including St.Lucia GV 10s, several Australian Antarctic sets, Austria 1949 UPU set,

Lot: 123

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100

Mainly mint C/W and Foreign ranges on stockleaves with much UM including St.Lucia GV 10s, several Australian Antarctic sets, Austria 1949 UPU set, several Czechoslovakia sets, France to 500Fr, China, Aden States to 10s, etc. Also some FU Sudan and Cyprus, the latter with some postmark interest. VG/VF (abt. 380)

British West Africa WW2 Covers all showing censorship comprising Nigeria (9), Gold Coast (2) and Sierra Leone (9),

Lot: 124

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60

British West Africa WW2 Covers all showing censorship comprising Nigeria (9), Gold Coast (2) and Sierra Leone (9), with good range of censor handstamps, two with examiner labels only. Fair to Fine (20)

Foreign Covers & Cards, mostly 20th Century; with interest in Nepal, Middle East including WW2 Censors of Iran, Lebanon and Syria,

Lot: 125

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £115

Foreign Covers & Cards, mostly 20th Century; with interest in Nepal, Middle East including WW2 Censors of Iran, Lebanon and Syria, Swiss airmails, 1918 Bulgaria censor, Philippines, Czechoslovakia, and various others. Fair to fine. (237) 

British Commonwealth covers & cards from late-19th Century to modern; interest in WW2 Censored mail especially KUT but also Mauritius (2) and others;

Lot: 126

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100
SOLD £155

British Commonwealth covers & cards from late-19th Century to modern; interest in WW2 Censored mail especially KUT but also Mauritius (2) and others; much useful British West Indies from early 20th Century, South Africa including provinces, Malta from QV, etc. Fair to VF (380)   

Miscellany in carton with main interest in Egypt including many airmail covers, postmark interest etc; plus documents and ephemera

Lot: 127

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £80
SOLD £115

Miscellany in carton with main interest in Egypt including many airmail covers, postmark interest etc; plus documents and ephemera many bearing revenue stamps of Thailand, and various other items. (Large qty)

Latin America covers & cards 1894-1950 with good selection of El Salvador 1890s/1900s; Uruguay, Peru & Venezuela, many WW2 censored;

Lot: 128

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £70
SOLD £72

Latin America covers & cards 1894-1950 with good selection of El Salvador 1890s/1900s; Uruguay, Peru & Venezuela, many WW2 censored; plus Canal Zone, Chile and others. Fair to fine. (57)       

Covers & Cards in 5 albums, mostly GB and C/Wealth, philatelic and commercial, plus some unused postal stationery, QV to QE2;

Lot: 129

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50
SOLD £44

Covers & Cards in 5 albums, mostly GB and C/Wealth, philatelic and commercial, plus some unused postal stationery, QV to QE2; good variety with some better items. GB predominates. Mixed quality. (325). Also 19 GB Presentation Packs.

Foreign 20th Century ranges in stockbook, mostly mint or UM with interest in France, Monaco, Liechtenstein and others;

Lot: 130

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40

Foreign 20th Century ranges in stockbook, mostly mint or UM with interest in France, Monaco, Liechtenstein and others; also French Colonies in mixed condition but with some useful Morocco. (650)  

Various in carton including good looking Eastern European mix in large biscuit tin, mostly used. (Some 1000s)

Lot: 131

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £32

Various in carton including good looking Eastern European mix in large biscuit tin, mostly used. (Some 1000s)

Mid-period to modern Foreign M&U ranges in stockbook with much of the mint UM; interest in wide range of countries, mostly European. (100s)

Lot: 132

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £40 - £50

Mid-period to modern Foreign M&U ranges in stockbook with much of the mint UM; interest in wide range of countries, mostly European. (100s)

Scandinavia from 1860s to modern in large stockbook with some UM but chiefly FU; chief interest in Norway and Iceland. Includes some booklets.

Lot: 133

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40

Scandinavia from 1860s to modern in large stockbook with some UM but chiefly FU; chief interest in Norway and Iceland. Includes some booklets. (Many 100s)

Foreign & Commonwealth Mint, FU and UM ranges in stockbook, 1930s to 1990s with main interest in Japan and Russia, plus Australia, Trieste,

Lot: 134

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40

Foreign & Commonwealth Mint, FU and UM ranges in stockbook, 1930s to 1990s with main interest in Japan and Russia, plus Australia, Trieste, Jersey and various others. Duplication.VG/VF (Some 100s)

European collections and ranges in four albums and three stockbooks, 1940s to 2000s with much 1960s/1990s UM or VFU in sets;

Lot: 135

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100
SOLD £60

European collections and ranges in four albums and three stockbooks, 1940s to 2000s with much 1960s/1990s UM or VFU in sets; main interest in Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, and Switzerland. A fine hingeless Schaubek album for Finland 1856-1965 is fairly empty. VG/VF (Many 100s)  

Great Britain 1790 to 1880s Covers & ELs from pre-stamp; interest in dated mileages, Scottish locals, London districts, etc,

Lot: 136

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £90 - £110
SOLD £155

Great Britain 1790 to 1880s Covers & ELs from pre-stamp; interest in dated mileages, Scottish locals, London districts, etc, many with 1d Red frankings (30 with 1d imperfs); includes 1790 EL to Porto Maurizio with convex MANCHES/TER. Mixed quality and mixed condition. (104)

Great Britain postal history mix from pre-stamp with few early mileages, 19th & 20th Century registered including military, plus squared circles, etc;

Lot: 137

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £70 - £100
SOLD £125

Great Britain postal history mix from pre-stamp with few early mileages, 19th & 20th Century registered including military, plus squared circles, etc; includes much used postal stationery QV/GVI. Also some modern FDCs including Britannia £10. Fair to VF with many useful items. (310)   

Great Britain 1840-c.1971 collection on leaves including 1840 1d Blacks (8, one VFU 4-margined); 1841 2d Blue (17), and perforated 2d stars (5)

Lot: 138

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £900 - £1100
SOLD £830

Great Britain 1840-c.1971 collection on leaves including 1840 1d Blacks (8, one VFU 4-margined); 1841 2d Blue (17), and perforated 2d stars (5) & plates (23); 1d Red Plates (159, one mint); many Surface Printed 1855-1883 with values to 3d (39), 4d (32), 6d (34), 8d (2), 9d (4), 1s (37), 2s (5), and 5s (1); EVII to 2s6d (7), 5s (6); George V to 2s6d (27); 5s (24) and 10s (8); and many later including QE2 mint blocks, some with varieties. Usual mixed condition but with many good to fine (some badly damaged not included in valuation). Huge catalogue value. (Several 100s)     

Great Britain QV duplicated ranges in stockbook; includes some four-margin 1d imperfs, two with ‘6’ in Maltese Cross, 2d imperf strip of three

Lot: 139

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £30 - £40
SOLD £68

Great Britain QV duplicated ranges in stockbook; includes some four-margin 1d imperfs, two with ‘6' in Maltese Cross, 2d imperf strip of three (cut into),1d reds with Irish cancels, and few covers, one with Wrexham ‘Spoon' cancel. Mixed condition. 

Great Britain QV/GVI mainly mint collection, all with Control Numbers in margin, mostly GV (97) with values to 6d and later issues.

Lot: 140

  • Auction Date: Wed 23rd Feb 2022 12:00 GMT (Ended)
  • Est: £50 - £60
SOLD £54

Great Britain QV/GVI mainly mint collection, all with Control Numbers in margin, mostly GV (97) with values to 6d and later issues. Includes some marginal strips of three. Mostly good to fine. (156 items)